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Community Building

A major aim of Sadguru is to empower our beneficiary community to become self-governed and self-sustained. We help develop strong communities by organizing and setting up people institutions, like community-based organizations (CBOs) and federations. CBOs include registered co-operatives, informal management groups, women self help groups, youth clubs, committees and associations. 
CBOs play a very important role in the stability and sustainability of all our programs. They are the real strength of Sadguru in implementing massively and successfully all the NRM-based programmes at very high scale. In our field level operations, virtually everything is being attended by different CBOs. All our field activities are factually managed by our CBOs organized for the specific activities. Over the years these CBOs have become very strong and powerful and have become major players in our NRM activities. 
We have helped set up and self-manage over 2,500 CBOs consisting of over 80,000 members. To assist CBOs and facilitate knowledge sharing among CBOs, we have also set up 26 overarching federations. Most of these federations have now become very active and in forefront of most of the activities. They play vital and effective role in prioritizing, planning, coordinating and implementing our various programs related with NRM. We also achieved the substantial progress on the agriculture and horticulture front through these federations.
Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (CInI) and its experts have also played very important role in growing and diversifying activities of various CBOs and their federations. CInI’s interventions have impacted in two distinct ways, one, strengthening these village institutions and second, helping improvement in agriculture development through these village institutions and their federations. Large scale seeds production, massive use of improved seeds produced by our farmers, successful package of practices. All these could be attributed to the intensive support provided by CInI.


Lift Irrigation Federation

Lift irrigation (LI) federations provide the crucial support to primary lift irrigation cooperatives, which actually operate, manage and maintain their individual LI schemes. LI f...

Farmers’ Producer Organization

Farmers as producers are unable to realize the right value of their produce. The defragmentation of land, lack of awareness, distrust in scientific practices, less inclination towa...

Milk Producers Cooperatives

This is a relatively new programme by Sadguru Foundation, gaining some momentum with the advancement of irrigation and agriculture activities. There are now 96 milk producers coope...


Flood rehabilitation: People succeeded where Government did not

72 Lift Irrigation schemes in Dahod, Gujarat and Banswara, Rajasthan were damaged by heavy floods during the last phase of monsoon 2012.


Agriculture in India accounts for over 14% of the GDP and 12% of country's exports.


Copyright 2016 NM Sadguru