SADGURU endeavours to develop and expand environmentally, technically, socially sound natural resource interventions leading to empowerment of rural community including women to ensure equitable and sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Empowerment of tribal and rural communities with natural resources restored, developed and expanded in the selected project areas.
Began in 1974, N M Sadguru Water and Development Foundation is a non-government, non-political, not for profit, secular organization, registered under the Public Charitable Trust Act and the Societies Registration Act (1860) and the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act. It is recognized by the departments of Rural Development of the Government of three states of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The organization is receiving funds from the states and central government, national and international funding agencies for its rural / tribal poverty reduction programmes centered around Natural Resources Management.
Its main objectives are to improve the living conditions of rural and tribal people by developing environmentally sound land and water resources programmes ; improve the environment and eco-system ; arrest the distress migration ; improve the socio-economic status of rural people and strive for their overall development. This is promoted by facilitating the growth of community based institutions that support and sustain the Natural Resources Management programmes.
The project area is classified as a drought prone semi-arid region of the country and is pre-dominated by tribals and rural poors representing the poorest section of our society. The project area is presently extended across three states in sixteen districts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh,
Besides implementation of livelihood programmes centered around NRM, the organization has been at a great scale imparting training, capacity building and technical inputs to large numbers of government and non-government organizations at its state of art training institute at Chosala, Dahod, Gujarat, which has not only excellent physical infrastructure and facilities, but, manned by highly qualified and richly experienced staff known for their expertise and performance in the respective field. Usually, groups from the government and non government organizations from 20 Indian states take benefit of our training and capacity building and often international groups also come for the training-cum-exposure.
Institution possesses ISO 9001 : 2015 certificate No. IN11 / 03558 valid till 31.07.2026.
We are also member of Credibility Alliance and have got accreditation from Credibility Alliance for strict transparency norms and building a well governed and trust-worthy voluntary sector with strong norms and conducts to be effective on the basis of capability, transparency and integrity. Our registration number of Credibility Alliance is CA/08/2020 and is valid till 26.05.2025.
1. The Sadguru Model of Sustainable Rural Development by Katar Singh & Harnath Jagawat (update) (January 2011)
2. Dry Land Can Be Dream Land : An Experience with Farmers of Dry Land Located in Western India by Dr. Swati Samvatsar & Milind Pandit (February 2011)
3. An Impact Analysis Study of Horticultural Programs of Integrated Livelihood Enhancement by N.M.Sadguru Water & Development Foundation Dahod, Gujarat by Pratima Gangalavoi & Suman Ubriani Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (Submitted to N M Sadguru Water & Development Foundation, Dahod & Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai) (February 2011)
4. An Impact Analysis Study of Village Institutions on Integrated Livelihood Enhancement by N.M. Sadguru Water and Development Foundation,Dahod, Gujarat by Pratima Gangalavoi & Suman Ubriani Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (Submitted to N M Sadguru Water & Development Foundation, Dahod & Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai) (February 2011)
5. An Impact Analysis Study of Water-based Initiatives on Integrated Livelihood Enhancement by N.M. Sadguru Water and Development Foundation,Dahod, Gujarat by Pratima Gangalavoi & Suman Ubriani Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (Submitted to N M Sadguru Water & Development Foundation, Dahod & Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai) (February 2011)
6. Proposal for L.I.Federation Banswara (Strengthening CBOs for Advanced Farming and Horticultural Activities to Enhance the Productivity and Economic Status of Marginal Farmers) by Pankhuri Gupta (Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (February 2011)
7. Marketing Strategy for Freshly Produced Onion by Pankhuri Gupta (Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (February 2011)
8. Marketing Plan for Mango by Pankhuri Gupta (Tata Administrative Service (TAS),Mumbai (February 2011)
9. Horticulture Activities in the Village: An Important Tool to Reduce the Migration – A Case Study in Project Area of N M Sadguru Water and Development Foundation, Dahod (Gujarat) by Dr.Swati Samvatsar & Ramesh Patel (February 2011)
10. Contribution by Sadguru for Climate Change at Micro Level- a win win Situation for Environment and Community by Dr. Swati Samvatsar (March 2011)
11. MGNREGA need Serious Review and Modification by Harnath Jagawat (March 2011)
12. Pictorial Documentation of Horticulture, Vegetable, Agro-Forestry Activities Undertaken in Project area of Sadguru Foundation (Semi-Arid tribal region in western india catching up with progressive regions and progressive farmers in producing fruits, flowers and vegetables- a transformation brought in under the government and non government partnership) (August 2011)
13. ASSOCHAM REPORT by Aaloak Singh Negi & Deepak S Dixit (S.P.Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai) (August 2011)
14. Pictorial Document of Recharging Structures (Check dams) Constructed by Sadguru Foundation in Dahod district under the Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board Constructed during Various Period (August 2011)
15. Pictorial Document of Green Revolution by Marginal Farmers Through Water Centered NRM Program in Semi Arid Tribal Dry Lands by Harnath Jagawat (October 2011)
16. Enhanced Food Security and Reduced Migration is Possible by Lift Irrigation Schemes (A Case Study of 19 Lift Irrigation Schemes) by Dr.Swati Samvatsar & Radheshyam Yadav (November 2011)
17. Impact Assessment of N M Sadguru Works on Client Communities Village Studies : A Synthesis Report (Final Version) by Mr.Rakesh Tiwary and Mr.Vivek Kher
(December 2011)
18. Study of NGOs..., by SAJJATA Sangh NGOs by INREM in which Sadguru’s contribution is also incorporated ( 2012)
19. Impact of Floriculture Development Enhances Livelihood of India`s Rural Women by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India &Mr. Minna J. Hsu (January 2012)
20. Irrigation – Based Social Work Relieves Poverty in India’s tribal Drylands by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (May 2012)
21. A Migrant Labour Turned up to all Season Cultivators – A Case Study of Rajubhai Parmar Village Chilakota Taluka Leemkheda District Dahod by Dr.Swati Samvatsar , Mr. Milind Pandit & Avinash Dongre (July 2012)
22. Impact Assessment of Project, “Transforming the Lives of Poor Rural People Through Watershed Area Development approach in the Backward District of Banswara, Rajasthan” by Dr. Swati Samvatsar, Mr. Milind Pandit & Kapil Madankar (July 2012)
23. The Significance of Cows in Indian Society Between Sacredness and Economy by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India &Mr. Minna J. Hsu (October 2012)
24. Small Farmer Becoming Prosperous Farmer – Okra Village : A Story of Almost Entire Village Producing Quality Okra Vegetable by Tanvi Madan (November 2012)
25. Small Farmer Becoming Prosperous Farmer – Flowers Making Tribal Farmers Prosperous : A Story of Village Kamboi, District Dahod, Gujarat by Tanvi Madan (November 2012)
26. Small Farmer Becoming Prosperous Farmer – Tribal Farmer Becoming Entrepreneur Around Flower Cultivation : A Story From Tribal Village, Dahod, Gujarat by Tanvi Madan (November 2012)
27. An Article written on “Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development “ by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India & Minna J. Hsu (March 2013)
28. Glimpses of the progress in Agriculture, Horticulture and Agro Forestry by Sadguru Foundation, Dahod during the year 2012-13 (Fruits of partnership among the Government, NGO and Community) (April 2013)
29. An Article Written on “ The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society “ by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (July 2013)
30. Technical Review of Water Resources Projects Executed by N M Sadguru Water & Development Foundation Under Rashtriya Kirshi Vikas Yojana in Dahod Gujarat , by N R Bhandari (August 2013)
31. Base Line Study Report (Draft) “Strengthening Replicating & Diversification of Water Centered Livelihoods for Rural & Tribal Communities in Western India Ensuring Improved Environment & Ecosystems (Phase III) under Central India Initiatives “(Study Conducted by Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra (AFARM), Pune (September 2013)
32. Sadguru’s Drinking Water Supply Scheme in Gujarat by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (January 2014)
33. Sadguru’s Vegetable Scheme in Gujarat’s Ecologically Fragile Drylands by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (January 2014)
34. Community Lift Irrigation Co-operative Motadharola,Gujarat : A Case of Successful Model for Poverty Allevation by Shaktiprava Maharana (January 2014)
35. The Lift Irrigation Impact of Mota Dharola Village : Highlights Case Study by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (March 2014)
36. David Groenfeldt : Water Ethics: A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis (Water Resources Management An International Journal – Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA) Vol – 28 , No- 06 ) by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (April 2014)
37. Sadguru`s Capacity Building Trainings Improve the Livelihoods of Rural Women Farmers by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India ( June 2014)
38. Climate Change Mitigation in India`s Drylands Case Study of Sadguru`s Ecofriendly Check Dams by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan & Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat, India (June 2014)
39. Agriculture Based Livelihood Activities – A Proven Model for Poor Farmers in Dahod District of Gujarat by Kanhaiya Choudhary (June 2014)
40. SFPF Potential of Floriculture in Peri-Urban and Tribal Areas Dahod, Gujarat and Baliyawas, Haryana by Alankrita Goswami and Shivansh Mishra (Development Internship Segment PRM 34, Submitted to International Water Management Institute, Faculty Guide: Prof. Pramod Kumar Singh) (July 2014)
41. PWC-Third Party Monitoring and Assessment of Projects Being Implemented by CII (N.M.Sadguru Foundation Program) (November 2014)
42. Irrigation – Based Social Work Relieves Poverty in India’s Drylands by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat,India (December 2014)
43. Sadguru Model of Rural Development Mitigates Climate Change in India’s Drylands by Prof. Dr. G. Agoramoorthy (Professor at the College of Environmental Science, Tajen University, Taiwan &Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair at Sadguru Foundation, Dahod, Gujarat, India (January 2015)
44. Water to Economy – A Regional Footprint Analysis of Sadguru’s Work in Dahod, Gujarat by Sunderrajan Krishnan & Rajnarayan Indu (INREM Foundation, Anand, Gujarat (February 2015)
45. Nutritional and Health Status of Women and Children in Project area of N.M.Sadguru Water and Development Foundation by CHETNA For Women Young People Children (March 2015)
46. Food Security Livelihood Strategies, Access to Food ,and Gender in the Working Area of Sadguru Foundation Dahod District,Gujarat,India by Henrieke te Winkel Food Security Livelihood Strategies, Access to Food ,and Gender in the Working Area of Sadguru Foundation Dahod District,Gujarat,India by Henrieke te Winkel(March 2015)
47. Save the water :Industrial Training Cum Project Work at SWDF (Submitted by College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,Godhra & Akola) by Parmar Ajay Ramanbhai, Bhabhor Rakesh Vasnabhai, Patel Arvind Ratansinh,Indrajeet N Wankhede &Umesh P Mole(June 2015)
Agriculture in India accounts for over 14% of the GDP and 12% of country's exports.