For restoration of tree cover and eco-system and also for an appropriate land use practice, tree plantation has been taken up by the institute for the last 32 years (since 1982). Every year, 15,00,000 or more forest plants are planted by the tribal farmers on their wasteland, field bunds, etc. Cumulatively under this program 6,75,38,564 seedlings/plants have been raised.
It is very difficult to accurately monitor the survival rate of trees in such a huge program scattered in hundreds of villages and raised by thousands of farmers. However, it is observed that the survival rate is about 50% in the long-term. This provides massive tree cover in the region. In our recently conducted quick survey, we found that 131 villages have each tree cover of one lakh and more. Possibly, the massive plantation, its survival and tree cover of this scale in a village may be a record by any NGO in India.
A study by INREM Foundation, Anand in 2014 found the economic value of the surviving Teak and Eucalyptus plantation to be in the range of Rs. 13,727 crores and Bamboo plantation to be Rs. 910 crores. At 8% of annual harvesting rate, the potential benefit to the economy would be Rs. 1,127 crores. Additionally, this has significantly relieved the pressure on natural forests in the region. Over 30,000 farmers have used their own wood in the construction or renovation of their houses.