Agriculture productivity enhancement programme was taken up at a larger scale. This programme achieves enhanced agriculture productivity, agriculture diversification, and intensification through proper package of practices (PoPs) and community-based organizations (CBOs). Focus on intensification and scaling up of agricultural activities mainly through CBOs has proved to have lasting impact on agricultural productivity in the project area.
In the beginning, intensive and massive activities were conducted such as orientation meeting, technical training, kalajattha, leader training, group training, wall painting, IEC material pamphlet and flex, etc. Activities of seed treatment, crop geometry, plant protection and other agronomic practices are being followed properly by the farmers. Constant efforts are made to enhance the capacity of the concerned CBOs for implementing and monitoring the above programme.
The main objectives:
• Strengthening and capacity building of existing CBOs
• Adaptation of Technically sound farming system including proper PoPs
• Availability and use of improved seeds, fertiliser and other inputs on proper time
• Increase in yield per unit area under various crops and season
• To achieve greater coverage for greater regional impact
• Increased income for individual farmers and CBOs
• Reduction in migration
Agricultural Scientists visit
Maize plot at Chhaparwad, Limkheda Taluka, Dahod District, Gujarat
Farmers Field School
At Chhaparwad in Limkheda Taluka, Dahod District, Gujarat