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Agriculture & Forestry

Tribal community in India is not traditionally a farming community. Their association with farming is of about 150 years, whereas other farmers in India have been farming for over 5000 years. All throughout the history, the tribals depended on the forest for the livelihood. In later half of 18th Century (1864-1884), when Britishers nationalised the forests, the tribals had the worst of both. Cut from the eon-old forest-based livelihood by the stroke of a pen, they were forced to go for unknown-to-them agriculture-based livelihood. They are still struggling with agriculture. Their agriculture output is very low. Their cropping pattern has not much changed and diversified. They have inadequate or no irrigation, though all tribal regions have ample water and massive network of rivers and rivulets.
 Against this background, Sadguru started working with tribals for the improvement of their living conditions by helping them adapting to better agriculture practices and managing to provide irrigation facility through an appropriate technology. All our Agriculture, Forestry and Environment programs culminate in improving the forest- and agriculture-based productions, while developing environmentally, technically, economically and socially responsible interventions. Considering the fact that nearly 90% of our farmers are small and marginal, the impact of these activities has been significant. 

More than 65,000 tribal households have covered under agriculture development during Kharif (monsoon-based) season 2014 and Rabi (post-monsoon) season 2014-2015. Massive efforts for this large number of farmers were made to provide them with package of practices, scientific agriculture, agriculture extension, multiplication of seeds, etc,. In large number of households, the production has been doubled or tripled due to our efforts. Farmers are also motivated to diversify to other grains, pulses, spices, etc.
 Taking a step beyond crop production, under our guidance and monitoring, vegetable cultivation program was taken up by nearly 3,000 farmers during the past year. In addition, the farmers who had taken up this program in earlier years continued with this program on their own without our financial support. Our success is also reflected in many other farmers followed our beneficiaries in undertaking this program without our support. It is estimated that about 20,000 farmers might have opted for vegetable crops during the past year, influenced by our activities. A visit to vegetable market and talk in the town and the district suggest that vegetables are now flooded in our markets and Dahod district is on way to become vegetable hub.



Under our floriculture program, very small land holding farmers have opted to grow flowers, such as roses, marigold, chrysanthemums, and jasmine. There are permanent plots and also...

Vegetable - Trellis

While a majority of farmers continue to grow seasonal vegetables under the traditional, open-farm method, trellis system has been found to significantly improve the quantity and qu...

Agriculture Productivity Enhancement

Agriculture productivity enhancement programme was taken up at a larger scale. This programme achieves enhanced agriculture productivity, agriculture diversification, and intensifi...


Flood rehabilitation: People succeeded where Government did not

72 Lift Irrigation schemes in Dahod, Gujarat and Banswara, Rajasthan were damaged by heavy floods during the last phase of monsoon 2012.


India is the largest producer of the milk.


Copyright 2016 NM Sadguru